Tuesday, August 4, 2009


Good evening lovelies,

Although I am having an awesome break from school now that I have graduated, I have been pretty kept up with my social life in a way. haha thus I am only able to update once a week with a limited amount of items although I may have tons of ideas in my mind. But I only have one pair of hands. Really sorry that I am soooo slow! :P

I am really glad that I have such patient customers like you pretties! Thankful in fact, that you have stayed with me even when I took breaks so long that may cause you to forget my existence! :D

I too hope that you pretties can also identify the replicas and the originals. Of course I feel disturbed that ideas are stolen but I honestly hope for you to have an eye for the original. ((:

I am now working on some new gorgeous psychedelic designs again with the fabrics I obtained. Updates will be coming tomorrow between 12-3pm as usual! Keep a tight look out for them! :D

Have a lovely evening ahead!

With lotsa love and patience,