hi everyone! here is a very lovely dog up for adoption(: i have yet to find out the reason why he is up for adoption tho i feel my heart going out to it alr! pls pls help if you can!! spread the words too! the picture can be saved and the info if you need it u can email me for it for contact the person in charge straight away!(:

Max de Samoyed is looking for a loving home. Since Max is a big dog and relatively young, we prefer
a house with a garden for him but experienced dog handlers living in a private apartment will also
be considered.
Breed: Samoyed (pure breed)
Birth place: Australia (imported into Singapore)
Month/year of birth: March 2007 (1.5 yrs old)
Colour: white
Eyes: brownish/black
Length: 1m (from nose to buttock)
Weight: ~15kg estimated
Microchip: Done
Neutered: Not yet (potential adopter have to send him for neutering, with our recommended vet as we do not want him to end up being adopted as a breed dog)
Toilet / hygiene habits:
* Pee and poop on grass only (won't eliminate indoor)
* Will stand still for you to clean him after eliminating
* Will stop to let you clean his paws at the door step ("hand hand" and "leg leg") each time he
returns home after going out
* Likes to be surrounded by humans
* Boisterous, very curious (likes looking & sniffing around), loves playing eg. catching
* Doesn't bark when strangers passed by front door
* Loves food and treats very very much
* Can stay still when grooming
* Trained to listen to commands eg. sit, stay, lie down, stop (he stops at every staircase landing
quite automatically)
* Trained not to eat treats that are placed in front of him under "no" command (only when you say"ok" then he eats the treat)
* Doesn't bite on anything in the house (completely none! not even his treats that are placed on the coffee table)
* Doesn't chase cats or birds when he sees one
* Gets excited when he sees dogs. If he's not pulled away in ~10-15 seconds he will start to bark
and push forward to sniff & lick the dog
* Relatively young so can be boisterous during play or when excited
Max truly deserves a good, loving, warm and permanent home. That's our biggest wish for him.
Please be mindful that Samoyeds need lots of grooming as they have thick undercoats and white dogs need special attention to type of shampoo used. Do read up on this breed if you are keen, to expect the kind of the handling and groooming he requires.
Please send enquiries to
anaterry@singnet.com.sg and we will get back soon.
ps:i have been super busy! will update when i can! most likely i will stick with wednesdays or latest saturdays(: